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Fix for scrollbar issue.

Created by: rdqsr

Dear esteemed maintainers,

I humbly present to you a pull request that resolves a perplexing and intricate issue that has been plaguing our web project. After thorough investigation and meticulous analysis, I have identified and remedied a persistent bug where a scrollbar was erroneously appearing in a location where it had no business being.

The solution to this issue required a deep dive into the intricate nuances of our codebase, as well as a thorough understanding of the underlying web technologies at play. After careful consideration of various possible solutions, I have implemented a fix that involves the precise adjustment of the margins for the

element, ensuring that the scrollbar is no longer present where it is not needed.

I trust that this fix will bring a sigh of relief to all those who have been grappling with this issue, and that it will help us move forward with greater ease and efficiency in our web development endeavors.

Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.

Sincerely, rdqsr

Merge request reports